On May 21, 2008 I had a show of 11 images that make up the "Lost Vegas Art Project" at fOTOGLIF headquarters in Toronto. A short little film by my Sweedish filmmaker/editor Joakim Tjernell, from the evening is on the "Events" page. I asked a friend from the East to write something about the images... this is what he responded with...
"The Lost Vegas Art Project"
“What a sad, but truly wonderful portrayal of America’s need for instant gratification” Perrier has done it again, exposing us to sex, sin, drugs and the dark side of life we all silently yearn for”
Perrier has as always bet on new ideas to generate awareness of causes such as drug addiction, repression, comedy, gambling which as we know make for good personal stories and visuals.
The irony in Perrier’s photographs is beautiful, Sin City apart from the big lights is a small town that has built itself on shameless self promotion, alluring and at times illusive to the heightened greed of America. One can have it all, but with it, comes a price. Look where America is now!
In this series of work, he understands my kind of family’s sad ironies, a sister that made off for the bright lights never to return, another that liked punching horses and then sleeping with them and parents that found addiction and then gambling with the mental states of their offspring a humourous pastime.
All of which has had it’s cause and affect.
On a lighter note, If I were a betting man, Id say “What happen’s here, stay’s here”, the Nevada Gaming Commission’s recent campaign for LasVegas Nevada is hand’s down, the most successful , self effacing, honest and truly funniest Ad campaigns I have ever witnessed. You’d have to have not been to Vegas or simply had your head up the proverbial ass not to have understand the five remarkable words that say’s it all in this campaign. Brilliant, but sad.
I wish I’d had had the opportunity to scribe those words, however, convincing the Nevada Gaming Commission surely had moments of sheer terror for the agency responsible. I’m positive it was saved as the last resort and when presenting, it was their trump card….. “Ok Steve, tell them the line you came up with after the drunken table dance you performed last night”
Thank Christ of the Latter Day Saints, I live far from the madness which is Las Vegas Nevada, I live in another state of madness, which for personal reason’s I hesitate to discuss publicly at this point.
Why do we find it fascinating to watch in horror as people’s families and fortunes are driven to near extinction in places like Las Vegas? I’ve learnt personally I am quite capable of doing this in the comfort of my own home.
And why go to Las Vegas when you can own one of the works from The Lost Vegas Art Project for a fraction of the cost? It’s a good deal and you don’t have to do any explaining when you get home.
I support Perrier’s portrayal of one of the largest man made sins, because, like you, it’s got sex, greed, sadness, beauty, strange twists and turns, secrecy, deceit, betrayal, loss and with all that comes with it, it makes me happy knowing I’ve never been to Las Vegas and never will.
Congratulations Paul, strangely, hope you hit the jackpot! Hit me!
Anon-Penang, Malaysia
Although the lead up time to the show was short about 75-100 people stopped by and viewed the images, listened to some great music, drank some great "Wellington Beer"and ate some tasty treats. It was the first time that I have ever shown my photographs publicly. The show was held for family and friends as the first step in the unfolding project. The website launches tomorrow July 4th , 2008 and I will explain where the project goes from here. Thanks to the following people for their help and encouragement...
Dylan & Taegan
Carly and Mike
The Godin Brothers
Bruce and Heather
Michael Brennan
Steve Stanley & Carla MacNeil
Steve Briggs
Angus & Martin
Thanks to everyone who came out to see what was happening. It was a cool evening.
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